Status Civitas Foundation: 

Project coordinator


September 2020 – December 2021
951.820,00 RON
RO-Culture Program


  • 23 FILM STUDIO & MEDIA SRL (Romania)
  • Projects ehf (Islanda)

Transylvanian Moviepreneurs is an entrepreneurial education project for young professionals working in the cultural and creative industries, the main objective of the project is to create connections between top specialists and entrepreneurs in the creative industries, focusing on business models in the entrepreneurial environment.


Who is our target group?

The target group of the project is represented by young professionals between 20-35 years old, working in the field of television and cinema, visual arts, journalism, publishing, and people involved in the entrepreneurial training programs.

We also want our project to focus on facilitating citizens’ access to culture and developing the audiances (at least 700 people) by creating and disseminating a film production on social, ethnic, cultural, sexual, religious minorities. In other words, the direct beneficiaries of the project are professionals from the cultural and creative industries who want to develop their skills in the creative and entrepreneurial field, and the final beneficiaries are represented by the interested public in cultural activities.


What do we intend to achieve?

The “Transylvanian Moviepreneurs” entrepreneurship education project consists of 5 stages:

  1. Management: the first activities carried out within the project were oriented in order to set objectives and strategies for their fulfillment, brainstorming, discussions, debates, but also the creation of a transparent communication and marketing plan.
  2. Working visit: this stage involves a working visit of the project promoters to Iceland, the partner country. The working visit is essential in the development of the entire project to generate brainstorming, exchange of experiences, documentation and job shadowing. The purpose of this activity is both to go through a process that involves an exchange of cultural and business experiences, and to implement new visions and perspectives in the local entrepreneurial environment, but also to take over and adopt new business models and cultural entrepreneurship.
  3. Business workshop: this stage involves business courses for entrepreneurs in the creative industries. The trainers, specialized in the field, will use their own knowledge and experiences in terms of ways and strategies to achieve a business plan, business strategies, knowledge of financial education and last but not least, ideas for shaping and implementing new innovative business perspectives.
  4. Film bootcamp: the fourth stage involves the creation of a film bootcamp for the young professionals. Top trainers from the Romanian film industry (including directors, image directors, editors, producers and acting coaches) will guide and participate closely in this process, which aims to produce a short film.The bootcamp will be divided into 5 sub-categories: directing / screenwriting; image; editing and sound; production; acting. The participants will be distributed in groups and will take 4 days of theoretical and practical courses with trainers, followed by a pitch and a casting. The theme of the short film will focus on ethnic, religious, sexual, social and cultural minorities, and the results of this stage will be disseminated on the last day of the bootcamp, for screening, but also later, in the online environment and in dedicated festivals.
  5. Promotion caravan: the last stage involves the dissemination of the results of the “Transylvanian Moviepreneurs” project and will involve a tour to promote the project, together with its promoters, in 5 cities in Romania. During this stage there will be conferences, Q&A, discussions, debates and promotion of the project with the hope of its replication.


Transylvanian Moviepreneurs is a complex and impactful project, aiming to strengthen the entrepreneurial environment.The proposed activities come and meet the needs of the taget group, but also through the networking role we intend to develop, an open and productive dialogue between successful trainers and young professionals. Through the 5 main stages, the project aims to offer a new approach to the entrepreneurial environment through strategies and working methods by way of study visits, business courses and last but not least, a film bootcamp supported by top professionals in the film industry Romanian, bootcamp whose purpose is the production of a film.