Implementation period
February 2016 – July 2017
13. 850 USD
Romanian American Foundation

An important project for both the CIVITAS Foundation for Civil Society and the Romanian non-profit environment, represented by the development of a strategic development model. The project started with a diagnosis at the level of the organization and entities that are part of its structure, followed by the proposal of a strategy by rethinking its structure.

It is a novel project, as very few NGOs have the opportunity to undergo this process and the models to follow are limited. Through this process, we intended, as well as reorganizing the foundation, to develop a model that would apply to non-governmental, non-profit organizations in Romania. One of the results achieved this far is the diagnosis of the organization, carried out in collaboration with Aliz Kosza, the mentor and facilitator of this process, and Răzvan Nicoară. It highlighted the challenges our organization faces, we rethought the statutory document that defined the organization elements, we made the organization chart and the foundation strategy, and as well as a business model applicable to the NGO field in Romania. We organized meetings, both formal and informal, with the Civitas team members and board representatives, where we debated identity elements. We are proud of this pilot project, because it can be replicated and it will help many organizations across the country. We also became aware of our strength, as a team, to reinvent ourselves over time.

„The most important lesson I learned from this project is the need to adapt and be flexible, as an organization, and to capitalize the potential of each team member. If there is enough flexibility, we can discover resources we were not aware we had. In the non-profit environment, the bureaucratic approach does not work, as a large part of the person’s individuality is lost. Beyond the job description, this is just a guideline; the attention falls on the individual and his resources. As people, we have an unlimited potential, and a flexible structure allows us to get out of the comfort zone and to reveal ourselves again, and, in some cases, to discover latent capacities.”

Balogh Márton Regional Manager Cluj-Napoca