Implementation period:
May 2014 – April 2016
166.922,50 Euro
The NGO fund in Romania– the Sustainable Development Component
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In order to reach our objective we structured all activities in 3 stages:
• To save and revitalize traditional seeds through a collection and distribution network. To give a warning signal about the danger of extinction of traditional seeds.
• To increase awareness of the genetic diversity of traditional varieties, as well as of the importance of preserving them through informative and educational programs. We have organized 6 fares and 7 trening programs for farmers in the eco-legumiculture sector.
• To create a network of supporters in Eastern Europe to contribute to the free circulation of traditional seeds in the territory.
Within the project, we facilitated the growth of two experimental gardens, in Apahida and Locodeni. These gardens fully complied with all the principles of organic farming, and the seeds we used were of course traditional ones. The gardens were inaugurated in an Open Door Day event type, and farmers and journalists were among the guests. Nature’s diversity was easily noticeable in the gardens: we cultivated over 25 varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, red peppers, paprika, carrots, different bean varieties, pumpkins and many other vegetables. This was also a good occasion to connect and foster long-term partnerships between farmers and consumers. The project and its objectives were promoted at several seed fairs where we managed to create an informal network of supporters of traditional seeds and organic farming. Since 2014 we publish each year the Catalogue of Traditional Seeds. We also launched other publications within the projects, such as: The guide to saving seeds, the Guide to cultivating vegetables for children (with illustrations by a young man), Be a seeder! (a guide for replacing pesticides with eco variants).

„We really wanted to give a warning signal about the danger traditional seeds are facing and to make our contribution to saving and preserving important varieties, as they are part of our identity.”

Pakot Mónika Project Manager