The project aims to contribute to the development of two marginalized communities within the Transylvanian Plain area: the communes of Geaca and Cornesti. 455 people living in precarious conditions will benefit from better access to education and employment opportunities, medical and social services.
The challenge is to build an intervention model through which people will get involved into the development their communities. We plan to replicate this model in other areas. Our endeavor is built on three strategic goals. The first is to improve access to education and prevent student to drop out of school.
Afterschool programs will be implemented in each commune, for a two year period. For the first time, some of the children will be able to compensate their deficiencies at school subjects, do their homework in an appropriate environment and take part in educative games, sports and workshops. They will have a place where to learn about personal hygiene (e.g. hands and teeth washing) or Civic Education (traffic rules, good manners etc.)
Parents will benefit from parental education sessions. Ten pre-school children from each of the communities will participate at a summer kindergarten program; this way we plan to encourage the subscription into the education system of children from underprivileged families. These children will receive free daily meal, school supplies, personal hygiene products, toys and transportation. The second strategic goal is the employment, increase of chances of employment and maintaining the employed status for 228 people from both communes. We will organize apprenticeship programs, internships, training courses (electrician, baker, mechanic, builder, barber, caretaker etc.)
Moreover, we commit to support 12 people from Geaca and Cornesti to open their own local businesses by funding their business plans with 25.000 euros each. The third objective is to facilitate social integration and living standards increase. Members from the communities will be involved in volunteering activities. At least 30 households will receive septic tanks and 50 other households will benefit from fountain and home cleaning and sanitation services. Through our project we will change the joinery and windows for dozens of homes belonging to underprivileged people.
“What we mostly wish is to increase their capacity to identify and solve the problems of their community by themselves, through communication and cooperation. There are many challenges, but in the and we plan to have a good practice model which we can easily embed into other communities and to trigger change starting on a vertical axis, starting down”, says Andreea Suciu, Program Director.